Why invest in sustainability together with IDT?
IDT is certified according to 9001 quality and 14001 Environment. Environmental certifications of products for the Swan and EPD have been introduced. And internal processes are being worked on together with consultants for the implementation of sustainability accounts as well as the implementation of selected sustainability targets.
1. Social responsibility
2. Store responsibility

1. Social responsibility
Norway must be a leading country in the development of a green, circular economy that makes better use of resources. By 2030, we must have met the UN's sustainability goals, and that means that over the next decade we must readjust and carry out innovation, production and sales in a completely new and sustainable way.
At IDT, innovation and development are in our DNA. That's why we don't wait to make changes that we know must come.
Large parts of IDT's production are linked to the production and processing of aluminium. The metal industry is resource-intensive, and naturally has the greatest potential for increased circularity by reducing material intensity through the introduction of repair and rebuilding of products
Therefore, we want to be a driving force for discontinued products to be returned for reproduction and recycling.
2. Store responsibility
Actors and products that are demonstrably part of the circular economy are attractive on the market.
The willingness to pay is particularly high for products with low CO2 emissions and recycling as core values.
And it will only get bigger.
At the same time, repaired and rebuilt products can be further used as components in new products or resold in the secondary market.
In other words: everyone has something to gain from sustainable consumption and production.

IDT Exchange 2.0
Circular economy in practice.
We give all our customers the opportunity to return used or damaged products - and have them repaired or exchanged for new ones.
The circular initiative will ensure that we take social responsibility and keep our part of the agreement in FNS sustainability target no. 12.
End use and the IDT fund.
For various reasons, not all lift-lower desks, bases and branch poles can be recycled and sent back to the market. We want to repair these products and put them back in such good condition that they can still be used.
Through an initiative we have called the IDT Fund, we aim to give away used but fully usable IDT products to places, groups, teams or organizations in need. Examples could be after-school education, clubhouses or adult education.
IDT Solutions has the environmental certification Swan Ecolabel.
The Nordic Ecolabel is the official Nordic environmental label, established by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
A product or service that has the Swan label has undergone an objective environmental assessment. To be able to get the Swan label, the entire life cycle of the product or service must be as environmentally friendly as possible, all the way from raw material - to production - via use - to waste management.
The Nordic Ecolabel sets strict requirements for energy efficiency, for materials and chemicals used, and for good durability.
Underframe from IDT is Swan approved, with table top from Grande.

ISO Certified
IDT Solutions AS is certified according to NS-EN ISO 9001-2015 quality and NS-EN ISO 14001-2015 environment.
This means that through inspection and approval we have shown that we live up to the industry standards required with regard to the environment and quality in product and production.

EPD - Unique "environmental certificate"
Through membership of NHO and Norsk Industri, IDT Solutions registers its furniture products in an EPD generator which gives us a unique "environmental certificate".
An environmental declaration from EPD Norway provides a concise document that summarizes the environmental profile of a component, a finished product or a service in a standardized and objective way.
The abbreviation EPD is used in both Norwegian and international contexts, and stands for Environmental Product Declaration.

Next step for IDT Solutions
Blockchain technology
This means that all parts of the roller skis can be traced at all stages and through the entire supply chain. This will also fulfill the IPCC's strong call for "action" and innovation that breaks with current value chain thinking
6% Solutions
IDT is participating in a pilot project where Fossekall AS has developed a solution that we believe is the best management tool in the market to reduce the biggest challenge of our time - emissions of co2. We get answers about exactly how we must contribute to doing your part for the climate and cut 40% co2 by 2030. And we get answers about how we can reduce our co2 emissions while maintaining value creation in the company.
The world's natural resources are under increased pressure
It is therefore crucial for the climate, nature and the environment that resources are used far more efficiently, so that we reduce the need to extract new resources.
In a circular economy, products must last as long as possible, be repaired, upgraded and, to a greater extent, reused. When the products cannot be reused, the waste material can be recycled and used as raw materials in new production. In this way, we utilize the same resources several times and as little as possible is lost.
The transition to a circular economy involves changes in design (design for a circular economy), production, choice of production methods and consumption patterns.